Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sex Trafficking A History That Trafficking - 1515 Words

The history of trafficking goes back much further than one would think. Donna Hughes explains in her article Combating Sex trafficking a history that trafficking really started in England as early as 1875. Even though this article suggests that human trafficking started as early as 1875, we have learned in class from the Sugar changed the world: a story of magic, spice, slavery, freedom, and science that it goes way further back than that. This movement in 1875 only affected women at the time. This is where the term prostitute was initially coined. Before World War I, the act of trafficking white slaves saw its first law called the international convention for suppression of the white slave traffic. It wasn’t until after World War II that†¦show more content†¦Although there are human trafficking laws already in place in modern politics, there are still a high number of cases that can be seen in current statistics. Some authors suggest that the current laws are perfect ly fine how they are now. Christopher H Smith, chairman of the U.S Helsinki Commissions stated that, â€Å"It provided a multifaceted approach to halting human trafficking through law enforcement, prevention, and aid given to victims. The law also represented two major policy changes: life in prison for those who traffic humans, and treatment of the people trafficked—largely women, children, and teenagers—as victims rather than as criminals† (Masci). While these laws have been improved, Smith nonetheless suggests there are other things to pay attention to in regards to some laws that are remaining the same. For instance, we still see worldwide examples of legalized prostitution. Heather M. Smith states that, â€Å"with such a large share of national income earned through the sex industry, government officials will have greater incentives to overlook sex trafficking† (Smith). For example, â€Å"In both India and Italy, law enforcement authorities patroniz ed trafficking victims and collected bribes from pimps and madams in procedures so regular that they could be factored into the monthly operating costs of brothels (Smith). Does this make it ok. While there may be policies put in place to stifle

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